Project title: Road towards renewable energy and sustainable economy — pilot project in Kukës, Albania
Duration: November 2011 – August 2012
Overview and objectives: The project consists on the developing of a vision study, which looks at how Kukës can secure its energy through renewable energy sources, and develop a sustainable, green economy in the process. The study shows the economic benefits for the area, the investments, methods and actual technology needed for the transition. The study also focuses on the employment opportunities and savings for the area if it goes renewable. The project aims to disseminate the findings of the study to other local governments in Albania and advocate the transition of Albania into renewables and green economy.
The project aims to:
- develop an economic model which is sustainable and creates green jobs, and will have multiple benefits;
- create a benchmark, a ready-made model for the development of the area, a model which can serve as a basis for attracting grants and investments in the future;
- lobby to governments in Albania on the benefits that a transition to renewable energy and green jobs can have for the country and in decreasing unemployment.
- Desk research
- Survey and field assessment
- Workshops and conferences
- Policy paper
- Lobbying
Project leader: Mr. Edvin Pacara
Funding: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Albania
Project publications:
- (alb) Rruga drejt energjisë së ripërtëritshme dhe ekonomisë së qëndrueshme në Kukës: Një studim pilot mbi potencialet për zhvillimin e energjisë së ripërtëritshme dhe ekonomisë së gjelbër në Kukës, Shqipëri
- (eng) Road towards renewable energy and sustainable economy in Kukës: A pilot study on the potentials for developing renewable energy and green economy in Kukës, Albania
The publications for this project can be ordered from IEP’s office or online via the general email address of IEP.