Open letter from civil society organizations to the Albanian Government and donors, requesting a green economic recovery

You can read the letter here, or below:

Green recovery for Albania

13 May 2020

To: Mr. Edi RAMA








From: Civil Society Organizations

Subject: Request addressed to the Albanian Government and donors:

Working and mobilizing together for a green recovery of a sustainable future

The decisions we make now will affect our lives and our health, and the climate we will have in the coming decades. The health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has also caused a financial and economic crisis. The Albanian government and key donors to Albania have mobilized hundreds of millions of euros for the country’s economic and social recovery.

The European Union alone has provided 46.7 million Euros in support of Albania’s social and economic recovery.

In addition to the financial crisis, the climate crisis is hitting and will hit Albania harder, and if we do not take action now and continue with the old model of a polluting economy, there is a risk that it will soon pass from a pandemic crisis to a climate crisis, but being completely unprepared. On the other hand, according to studies, green investments generate more jobs compared to the polluting industry. Albania also has an obligation as a candidate and accession country to the EU, to reorient its economy to a green economy, and to reduce CO2 emissions in line with the examples of the European Green Deal.

This is our best chance at the moment to avoid returning to an economy that is causing an ecological and a climate crisis, and to move towards an economy that provides us with clean air, clean water, better health and more employment for all.

We, as a coalition of non-profit Albanian organizations, demand from the Albanian government and donors that public funds for economic recovery be used for green recovery and not for investments in large CO2 pollutants and emissions.

Based on this, we request:

  1. Investments in the green economy, recycling businesses;
  2. Investments in the circular economy, especially for green start-ups opened by young people;
  3. Investments in renewable energy (thermal panels and photovoltaic plants), energy efficiency and retrofitting of buildings;
  4. Investments in environmentally friendly agriculture, such as agroforestry, high nature value agriculture ​​and organic agriculture;
  5. Investments in the return of ecosystems to their previous state (ecosystem restoration), environmental and awareness raising projects on environment and climate crisis;
  6. Massive afforestation of deforested and degraded areas by engaging NGOs, communities and the poor, thus creating employment for the poor, and a range of services created by forests such as water reserves, protection against erosion and flooding, air purification, development of biodiversity, development of tourism, etc.;
  7. Promoting domestic production and consumption of goods and services produced by environmentally friendly businesses;
  8. Subsidies and payments for environmental services provided by NGOs, communities, groups and individuals (e.g. to pay for planting trees, greening of cities; clean-ups of beaches, etc.);
  9. Saturday after noon and all Sunday to become a day-off for the whole business except for the recreation business and business which essential. During these days, the circulation of private vehicles within city rings should be banned, and city centers should be allowed to return to small markets where products made at home or used items (circular economy) are sold at stalls.
  10. Investments in green transport and its infrastructure such as bicycle paths, electric buses and trams, railways, charging stations for electric cars, etc.;
  11. Investments for the return to green companies of existing state-owned companies, JSCs, etc.;
  12. Public green procurement.
  13. Providing grants for business in Research and Development oriented by a research analysis.


Coalition of Albanian environmental organizations

Instituti i Politikave Mjedisore

Qendra Mjedisore EDEN

Qendra Burimore e Mjedisit në Shqipëri

Instituti për Menaxhimin e Mjedisit dhe Territorit  

Instituti për Projektim dhe Menaxhim Mjedisor EDMI 



Green Vision

SEEP – Social Education & Environment Protection


RAF-Royal Albania Foundation

ECO-Partners for Sustainable Development

Shoqata Ekspertët e Rinj Mjedisorë SHERM

Milieukontakt Shqipëri 

Shoqata Egnatia

Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA)

Shoqata Ornitologjike e Shqipërisë

Well Point-Kujdes për të gjithë

TOKA: The Organization to Conserve the Albanian Alps

Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania – INCA