Korca: Citizen Forum on Climate Change

by Cristina
On Wednesday 20th May the Institute for Environmental Policy took part in a citizen’s forum on climate change organized by the French Embassy at the University of Korça. Apart from the University’s students, this event was attended by a fair number of countrymen and farmers aged between 60 and 80 years. During this forum, different aspects of the effects and impact of climate change in Albania were illustrated by several experts, which were pretty much contested, together with the French authorities, by Korça’s inhabitants. The local people were dissociating themselves from climate change as a global issue caused first of all by industrialized countries such as France. Although the individualist attitude of these people could be contested, the passion they stood for their opinions with is remarkable, as well as their participation in the citizens’ forum itself. As a conclusion, it could be said that this event has been a great opportunity for the local people to meet policy makers and CC experts and to share their point of view, by representing at the same time a great occasion of democratic debate.