REC SENIOR-A Project Documentary

This documentary was produced under the program SENiOR-A “Support for Environmental Organizations of Civil Society in Albania 2012-2015”. This documentary presents moments from the civil society organizations activities in the implementation of the program.


International Animal Parties meets in Albania, Nov 2015

On November 20, 2015, Tirana became the host of the annual meeting of the International Political Animal Parties. The meeting brought together representatives of animal parties from Britain, Spain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Italy, Turkey, Serbia, Cyprus, Israel, Australia, the USA, Finland and for the first time Albania.
Topics of discussion that were highlighted are the opportunities that a political party has to improve the situation, sustenaible strengthening of the parties, broader goals such as water and fond security, the ban on international transport of animals, game meat and the exploitation of animals for tourism purpouse etc.
The meeting was also attended by the Institute for Environmental Policy (IEP) as local NGO with its representatives Endri Haxhiraj, Sara Gonella and Cristina De Carolis. IEP briefed the participants on the current situation of stray animals in Albania, current issues and future challenges.100_1022
This international meeting on animal protection is a particular activity because it is the first of its kind to be held in Albania implying that this is the time that Albanians should further engage in animal protection and similar issues.

“Red meat causes cancer!” – is not a news

On 24 October 2015, the scientific agency of the World Health Organization (WHO) called the International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC, publicly evaluated ( that the consumption of red meat and processed meat can cause cancer. The research group composed of 22 experts from 10 different countries, assumed that the consumption of processed meat is carcinogenic (ability to cause cancer) and red meat as a potential carcinogen in humans.
The reaction of the public in many countries was significant given the demands for clarification they addressed to the WHO.
Despite broad public reaction, this news is not new. IARC, the 50 years experience WHO agency, has recommended since 2002 that moderate consumption of meat may reduce the risk for cancer (
In this regard, various health and environmental organizations have conducted public campaigns from years raising attention on the impact of meat-based diet and health problems. Their campaigns had formal scientific arguments of the time. Years ago, the scientific panel consisting of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) stated finding evidence on the link between cancer and diet. They suggested that “the diet that contains sufficient amounts of diverse vegetable and fruit will prevent 20% or more the appearance of all types of cancer.”
In Albania, the Institute for Environmental Policy has developed a series of public events with this theme starting from 2009, as the promotional campaign of the healthy plant based diet, meetings with young people, publications, conferences on breast and colon cancer and the diet implication, with new medicine professionals etc.
Recent public expression of WHO confirms once again that consumers should be particularly careful when consuming food products to prevent dangerous diseases to him and his family.

Albanian WHO public announce:

YEP network, participating in the Parliament Commission on the Energy Efficiency draft law

27 October 2015

Most active youth from the YEP (Youth for Energy Policy) network, with the support of the Institute of Environmental Policy and the invitation by Parliament, took part in the voting session of the Energy Efficiency draft law by the Commission for Productive Activities, Trade and Environment.
In this working session, YEP young professionals had the opportunity to hear the views of the committee and to assess the possibilities and the areas where they can contribute in the future. This event paves the way for further cooperation of the YEP network and the Commission, the exchange of suggestions for the actual draft law and the next drafts.

IEP participation at the NGOs Work Fair

18 Oct 2015



IEP participated in the NGOs Work Fair in Albania. IEP had the opportunity to meet with people and talk to them about the profit from renewable energy and other innovative technologies.

This activity was held with the support of Tirana Municipality and AMSHC in behalf of Mobility Day.

IEP takes part in the Energy Efficiency draft law discussions!

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The Institute for Environmental Policy (IEP) was today in the Commission for Productive Activities, Trade and Environment for a hearing with stakeholders session for the Energy Efficiency draft law.
The overall approach of the participating organizations and institutes was positive suggesting practical changes. IEP, underlined the necessity to cut out unnecessary bureaucracy and to approve the law as soon as possible since it touches the end consumers. IEP suggested also that young professionals have a up to date information on energy efficiency as well have a lot of interest in the field of the energy business.
One of the main points suggested by Erjon Tase, Academy of Political Studies, was to establish several criteria for public procurement / tenders for equipment and services considering energy efficiency e.g economic class equipment procured by state authorities.

In order to clarify the technical concepts of energy efficiency of the final consumer, IEP distributed its publications regarding this field which was welcomed by the legislative authority and expressed the possibility of cooperation in the future.
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Closing SENiOR-A programme event

Today the Institute for Environmental Policy participated in the closing event of SENiOR-A programme.
A NGO fair was organised and participants in the event were known with IEP activities.
A documentary was also presented following several opinions on topics and improvements.
During 3 years of cooperation with SENiOR-A, funded by Sweden Government and managed by the Regional Environment Center Albania, IEP is proud: to have trained 114 youth in renewable energy and environment, giving to 165 people the possibility to participate in environmental conferences conducted by IEP, training 86 people from 7 Albanian municipalities staff and promoting 8 scientific studies on the environment by youth/ young professionals.
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Finishing, IEP thanks all the supporters believing in our common vision, a better environment.

Act4Drin publication on the natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin

Act4Drin publication

Dear All,
We are very excited to announce today, on the occasion of the World Rivers Day, the launch of the Act4Drin publication “The natural wealth and legacy of the Drin River Basin: inspiring our collective action” aiming at raising public awareness on the value of our common natural wealth and ultimately triggering individual or collective actions towards safeguarding the basin’s biodiversity and its invaluable ecosystem services. For the first time ever a multilingual (five languages) publication that highlights the exceptional wealth of freshwater biodiversity of the Drin River Basin has been produced via a collective effort of the region’s civil society.
The publication was developed by MIO-ECSDE (Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development – a Federation of Mediterranean environmental NGOs) within the framework of the CEPF-funded Act4Drin project (, implemented in collaboration with BIOSFERA, EDEN, GREENHOME, MES and KAWKA PRODUCTION. The project seeks to raise public awareness through a wide range of actions, enhance knowledge and empower NGOs to protect and conserve freshwater ecosystems in the Drin River Basin.

This publication concretely displays the commitment and solidarity of environmental NGOs of the region to protect and conserve the Drin River Basin. The Act4Drin project promoters include the following thirteen NGOs: Albaforest, BirdLife Slovenia (DOPPS), Society of bird research and nature protection (DPPVN), Environmental Center for Administration and Technology (ECAT), EIRLA Association, Greens of Montenegro, Institute for Nature Conservation in Albania (INCA), Institute for Environmental Policy (IEP), Environmental Movement “OZON”, Permaculture and Organic Agriculture (POA), Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA), PSEDA ILIRIA and Society for the Protection of Prespa (SPP).

You can enjoy the Act4Drin publication

23 Shtator 2015, zhvillohet konferenca Hapa Drejt Zhvillimit te Qendrueshem

Ne 23 Shtator 2013, u zhvillua konferenca per profesionistet e rinj “Hapa drejt zhvillimit te qendrueshem”.
Interesi per te marre pjese ishte i larmishem, nga te rinj te apasionuar per mjedisin tek akademike dhe perfaqesues te firmave private qe kane nje sfond te gjelber ne punen e tyre.
Pavaresisht se ceshtjet e trajtuara nga prezantuesit ishin te ndryshme, te gjitha perfaqesonin ne thelb mundesite e gjetjes se ekuilibrave midis shfrytezimit te burimeve natyrore nga njera ane dhe mbrojtjes se mjedisit nga ana tjeter.
tashme eshte e qarte se shfrytezimi pa kriter i burimeve natyrore ka nje kosto pasojat e te cilave Shqiperia i ka provuar mjaftueshem.
Ne kete kontekst Instituti i Politikave Mjedisore ka ne strategjine afatgjate promovimin e te rinjve dhe punes se tyre pasi ata jane nder garancite me te sigurta per mbrojtjen e mjedisit.
Ky aktivitet u mbeshtet nga Programi SENiOR-A nepermjet nje granti te dhene nga REC Shqiperi dhe financuar nga Qeveria Suedeze.