Act for climate-Patos

IEP held a climate awareness seminar this Friday, on 26.06.2020, to respect the Fridays for Future tradition of holding strikes every Friday. The seminar was held in Patos, Albania. More than 30 youngsters participated in this event, which started with a symbolic protest with signs, in tandem with the protests held around the globe each Friday, demanding action on climate and reduction of CO2 emissions. The event was opened by Suela Muhametaj, an environmental activists on climate change and also native to Patos. IEP introduced the youngsters to climate change issues, its evolution, risks and effects, mitigation and adaptation, and climate policy. Examples on how policy can mitigate climate risk were brought to the youngsters, so that they can see how policy influencing can influence on decision-making, changing of behaviour on climate, and in bringing green policies for all. There were various discussions, which show the energy and commitment of Albanian youth for a better future for all. This activity was implemented with the support of Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Video from the activity