(Shqip) Apokalipsi mjedisor vjen në Tiranë!

From Endri Haxhiraj and Edvin Pacara

After cutting forests in Librazhd, permitting the construction of dams in Vjosë, today the cement comes very close to the house of every citizen of Tirana. Outside the political parties, a group of citizens gathered on Sunday 21 February to protect for the Lake Park in Tirana. They wanted the park to preserve the identity, say no to the cement and cutting. Removing the poles of the site within the park perimeter had a cost to the protesters: violence, insults, punches and arrests. What they saw was such a violence as the policeman were in the front of a criminal group. But no! They were young children, elderly, students, environmental activists, professors, engineers, aware citizens and other activists protesters who think differently.protesta parkut



