“Seeds” planted for Lake Ohrid conservation

Pollution of Lake Ohrid from waste and sewage water from one hand and the use of its water for agricultural needs on the other hand are a serious threat to the ecosystem of the lake. Awareness of local residents is unfortunately not at the right level.
Institute for Environmental Policy (IEP) believes that those who can give a long-term guarantees for the conservation of the Lake are young people who live in these areas. If young people of different ages are aware, they will definitely affect the awareness of their families, friends and other people. Passion and youth volunteerism for the lake protection is expressed in some cases, such as cleaning action for Lin area in November this year by the elementary school Myredin Bashalli in the village of Lin, Pogradec. In this context, IEP held a meeting with pupils of 8th and 9th grade of this school in order to know them with some environmental conservation practices for Ohrid Lake and some of the project findings “Developing Sustainable Water Management Practices to Conserve Environmental Flow in Ohrid Lake Region”.
The meeting was welcomed by the director of the school Mr Agron Qyshkollari and vice. director of IEP Mr. Endri Haxhiraj. Conservation practices and pilot project were presented by Mr. Rodion Gjoka. The activity was made possible by a grant awarded by Birdlife International and DOPPS, through the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF).





