Tubimi i parë për krizën në Shqipëri u organizua nga IEP
Project title: Climate change impacts awareness raising in Albania
Duration: 2008 – 2010 and 2014 – continuing
Objectives: to document and draw attention to various visible impacts of climate change in Albania, in order to raise public awareness about the seriousness of climate change, roundtables and meetings with students and public in universities
Activities: data collection (photos, statistics etc.), awareness raising in the media, and a series of presentations and roundtables with students and the public in universities, climate marches in Albania to raise awareness on the issue.
- Event on Climate Change at Albanian College in Durrës
- Discussion on citizen activism and environment at Albanian College Durrës
Building of an Albanian Green Deal.
Seminar on Albanian Green Deal.
Event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/452033049074963/
The seminar was also covered by the media, namely Euronews Albania.
Link of the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRaC9Z2Bvew
Link of the article: Euronews Albania – Ndryshimet klimatike, aktivistët kërkojnë që Shqipëria të adoptojë një marrëveshje të gjelbër
IEP’s participation at the COP 21, Paris Agreement in 2015:
Project leader: Mr. Edvin Pacara (2008-2018), Mr. Endri Haxhiraj
Funding: IEP own contribution & volunteer work
Project publications:
- Coastal erosion in Albania
- Article “Ndryshimet Klimatike: një e ardhme e zymtë” / “Climate change: A bleak future” by Edvin Pacara
- Documented evidence of climate change and global warming in Albania (with photos)
Albanian government continues to approve new hydropower plants despite environmental and social impact (Albanian center for quality journalism): IEP contribution
Climate crisis march on 20th of September initiated by IEP:
Climate crisis march on 4th of October 2019, initiated by IEP:
Video from the march: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m600ooZD4_4
Articles on the media: https://citizens-channel.com/2019/10/05/marshimi-per-ndryshimet-klimatike-te-rinjte-shqiptare-kerkojne-veprim-institucional/?fbclid=IwAR20hmK9mUxcAiw1O_dQjCR28r7h03ErPvPxEWc5xqi1BafWDqQeGwnUUSM
Climate crisis march organized by IEP, to take place on 1 November 2019:
Citizens Channel article: E premtja e së Ardhmes; aktivistët dëshirojnë të marrin nisma konkrete në mbrojtje të mjedisit
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