Project title: Climate action for Albania – Albanian Green Deal
Duration: September 2020 – October 2021 (phase 1), May 2022-May 2023 (phase 2)
Overview and objectives: The aim of the project is: To influence the Albanian society, especially Albanian youth, by raising awareness and informing about the climate crisis, and by forming a critical mass, a climate youth group, which will advocate and influence the policy and decision makers on: climate policies for Albania, declaring climate emergency in Albania, if not in the whole country, at least in the coastal cities which are already suffering from sea level rise, and on adopting an Albanian Green Deal.
1. Enhanced awareness for citizens;
2. Enhanced access to information and awareness on climate;
3. Creating of a nucleus of youth who will demand policy change on climate, will be empowered and trained;
4. The starting of the political process for the Declaration of a Climate Emergency for Albania, and for the adoption of an
Albanian Green Deal;
5. Starting of a process on creating a Ministry of Climate and Environment, and declaration of Climate Emergency in Albania;
6. An improved draft law on climate change for Albania;
7. Strengthening of cooperation between state, private sector, NGOs, media and citizens in addressing climate crisis measures to be taken;
8. Increased role of women and vulnerable groups in advocating for stronger response against climate crisis.
Funding: The Minor Foundation for Major Challenges
Project publications:
The draft Albanian Green Deal, produced by IEP with the support of the Minor Foundation for Major Challenges
Pictures and videos from activities: