Project title: Advocacy and awareness raising on climate change a green deal for Albania
Duration: September 2021 – July 2022
Overview and objectives:
The aim of this project is the inclusion of the civil society in the policy and decision making process in the field of environment, and with a focus on climate change. The intervention will be linked to Albania’s accession to the EU. The project will also raise awareness of the policy and decision makers, civil society, and the general public on climate change impact in Albania and what Albania needs to do in regards to climate change. The project will combine e series of methods to influence the policy dialogue like meetings, events, seminars, awareness raising events, coalition forming, monitoring reports and a roadmap.
- Inclusion of the civil society in the monitoring and dialogue process with policy makers, in the environmental field, with a focus on climate change sector.
- Advocate and influence the policies in the environmental field, especially in the climate change sector, in the frameowrk of alignment with directives and regulations of Chapter 27 and the strategies of the European Green Deal.
- Raising of awareness for the policymakers and the general public on the policies and targets that Albania needs to reach in fighting and adapting to climate change, and targets in this sector in the framework of Chapter 27 and European Green Deal.
Funding: EU – IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2018 – 2019 through IdeAL Project implemented by Co-PLAN