Sustainable Agriculture for Sustainable Balkans 5th Coordinating Meeting

5th Coordinationg Meeting for the project Sustainable Agriculture for Sustainable Balkans (SASB) was held from June 22nd to June 24th in Niš, Serbia.
The project “Sustainable agriculture for sustainable Balkans: Strengthening advocacy capacities of CSOs and developing policies in the Western Balkans” is aimed to strengthen advocacy capacities of CSOs using research, training and networking.
Partners reviewed the activities funded through the sub-granting and grant and training scheme, discussed about new joint initiatives with the grantees, and set the plan for the Regional Policy Framework and the Regional Working Platform made of CSOs, public authorities and scientists, which will develop regional policy in the area of sustainable agriculture, biodiversity conservation and animal welfare at the territory of Western Balkans. This policy will be developed based on research aimed at providing information about High Nature Value Farming in the Western Balkans.

Project is implemented by consortium of CSOs from Republic of Albania (Institute for Environmental Policy – IEP), Republic of Northern Macedonia (FLOROZON), Republic of Kosovo (NGO AKTIV) and Republic of Montenegro (Center for Protection and Research of Birds – CZIP), led by Organisation for Respect and Care of Animals – ORCA from Republic of Serbia.

This project is funded by the European Union. The content above is the sole responsibility of IEP and under no circumstances should it be viewed as an EU position.